Obtaining a film permit in Nepal for a feature film involves several steps and requires coordination with various government agencies. Here’s a general guide on how to obtain a film permit for a feature film in Nepal:

  1. Identify the Permitting Authorities:
    The primary agencies responsible for issuing film permits in Nepal are the Ministry of Information, Communication, and Technology (MOICT) through its Film Development Board (FDB), and the Department of Immigration for visas and permits related to filming in restricted areas.

  2. Research Requirements:
    Research the specific requirements for obtaining a film permit in Nepal. This includes understanding the regulations, fees, and documentation needed for filming in different regions of Nepal, including restricted areas like Mustang.

  3. Prepare Your Application:
    Gather all necessary documents and information required for the permit application. This typically includes:

    1. Detailed project proposal outlining the film’s synopsis, shooting locations, crew details, and equipment list.
    2. A completed application form from the relevant permitting authority.
    3. Scripts, storyboards, and other creative materials related to the film.
    4. Proof of financial capacity to undertake the project.
    5. Any other documentation specified by the permitting authority.

  4. Submit Your Application:
    Submit your completed permit application to the relevant authorities. This may involve submitting your application in person or through a local representative, depending on the specific requirements and procedures.

  5. Pay Permit Fees:
    Pay the applicable permit fees as specified by the permitting authority. The fees can vary depending on factors such as the duration of filming, the size of the crew, and the areas to be covered.

  6. Wait for Approval:
    Once your application is submitted, you’ll need to wait for the authorities to review and approve your permit. The processing time can vary, so it’s advisable to apply well in advance of your planned filming dates.

  7. Receive Your Permit:
    If your application is approved, you’ll receive an official film permit from the relevant authorities. This permit will outline the conditions and restrictions for filming in Nepal, including specific locations, dates, and any other requirements.

  8. Comply with Regulations:
    Ensure that you comply with all regulations and guidelines specified in your film permit. This may include restrictions on filming in certain areas, environmental conservation measures, safety protocols, and cultural sensitivities.

  9. Renew or Extend Permit (if necessary):
    If your filming schedule changes or you need to extend your permit duration, you may need to apply for a permit renewal or extension with the relevant authorities. Be sure to adhere to any deadlines and procedures for renewal or extension.

  10. Work with Local Authorities:
    Coordinate closely with local authorities, guides, and communities in Nepal to ensure smooth filming operations and to address any logistical or cultural considerations.
    By following these steps and working closely with the relevant authorities and local stakeholders, you can obtain the necessary film permit to shoot a feature film in Nepal and ensure a successful production while respecting the regulations and cultural heritage of the country.

Feature film shooting in Nepal

Feature film shooting in Nepal is easy and cost-friendly if you are choosing locations in Nepal.
Locations like Temples, old palaces, cities, the Himalayas, green mountains, villages, rivers, lakes, roads, woods, etc. are available within a few miles. Studios with the facility of hotels, road transportation, and also airway services like helicopters and flights are available in the maximum parts of Nepal, logistically all the locations of Nepal are accessible for filming in a weather-friendly environment.

Hiring local artists and crew is accessible while filming feature films in Nepal. The local artists and crews are highly experienced and cost-friendly while filming in Nepal.
The film industry in Nepal is on the rise, providing numerous opportunities to explore and engage with the talents of local artists and film crews

There are various options available in the local market for renting different types of cameras and equipment. Alternatively, you can also bring your own equipment through the airport or border transport after undergoing customs clearance.
To obtain a film permit in Nepal, you need to submit an application which takes approximately 7 to 20 working days for processing. Once approved, you will be granted a film permit along with equipment customs clearance



If you are planning to shoot a film in Nepal and need assistance with location scouting, hiring, and the film permit process, you can contact a local coordinator or filming company in Nepal.
To find a reliable local producer in Nepal who can provide cost-friendly and unique locations, you can reach out to Kathmandu Films at [email protected]. We can assist you with all aspects of production and provide you with a personalized service to ensure your filming experience in Nepal is successful.