Contact- Email:  [email protected]

Mob- +977 9851354619

Securing shooting permits in Nepal is essential for filmmakers planning to shoot in various locations across the country. Here’s a blog post discussing the process of obtaining shooting permits in Nepal:

Shooting Permits in Nepal

Nepal’s diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and stunning vistas make it a sought-after destination for filmmakers seeking to capture breathtaking scenes on camera. From the majestic peaks of the Himalayas to the bustling streets of Kathmandu, Nepal offers a wealth of filming locations that provide the perfect backdrop for a wide range of cinematic projects. However, obtaining the necessary shooting permits is essential for filmmakers to ensure compliance with local regulations and to facilitate a smooth filming process. Here’s everything you need to know about navigating shooting permits in Nepal.

  1. Understanding Permit Requirements

Before commencing filming in Nepal, filmmakers must obtain the appropriate permits from the relevant authorities. The specific permits required will depend on the locations chosen for filming, the nature of the project, and other factors such as the use of drones or special equipment. Common types of permits include:

  • Location permits: Required for filming in specific areas, including national parks, heritage sites, and public spaces.
  • Drone permits: Required for aerial filming using drones, issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal.
  • Crew permits: Required for foreign crew members working in Nepal, issued by the Department of Immigration.
  1. Identifying Permitting Authorities

Different types of shooting permits in Nepal are issued by different authorities. For example:

  • The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation issues permits for filming in national parks and conservation areas.
  • The Department of Archaeology issues permits for filming at heritage sites, monuments, and archaeological sites.
  • The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal issues permits for aerial filming using drones.

It’s essential for filmmakers to identify the relevant permitting authorities for their specific filming locations and activities and to follow the required procedures for obtaining permits.

  1. Application Process

The application process for shooting permits in Nepal typically involves submitting a formal request to the relevant permitting authority, along with supporting documents such as:

  • A detailed shooting schedule
  • Proof of insurance
  • Proof of payment of applicable fees
  • Any other required documentation specified by the permitting authority

Filmmakers should allow sufficient time for the permit application process, as processing times may vary depending on the complexity of the project and the volume of permit requests.

  1. Working with Local Fixers

Navigating the permit application process in Nepal can be challenging for foreign filmmakers, particularly those who are unfamiliar with local regulations and procedures. Working with local fixers or production companies with experience in obtaining shooting permits can help streamline the process and ensure that all necessary permits are obtained in a timely manner. Local fixers can also provide valuable insights into local regulations, assist with communication with permitting authorities, and help navigate any challenges that may arise during the permit application process.

  1. Compliance and Responsibility

Once shooting permits have been obtained, it’s essential for filmmakers to comply with all permit conditions and regulations while filming in Nepal. This includes adhering to specified shooting schedules, respecting local customs and traditions, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring the safety of crew members and the public. Filmmakers are responsible for ensuring that their filming activities are conducted in accordance with the terms of their permits and local laws and regulations.

Securing shooting permits in Nepal is a crucial step for filmmakers planning to capture the country’s stunning landscapes and vibrant culture on camera. By understanding permit requirements, identifying relevant permitting authorities, following the application process, working with local fixers, and ensuring compliance with permit conditions, filmmakers can navigate the permit process successfully and enjoy a smooth and successful filming experience in Nepal.

Lights, camera, permit – let the filmmaking adventure begin in the heart of the Himalayas!



Emergencies – Contact: Email: [email protected]

If you need emergency care while trekking or filming in mountains of Nepal including  Mount Everest, we can provide you an emergency tele consultation with best of the Doctors and connect you to the best hospitals in Nepal.

We will provide you an immediate tele consultation with Nepal’s top physician/ Trauma surgeon for standard medical advice. We will send doctors or rescues by helicopter to provide emergency support, rescue, and evacuation services. 

Since 2007, we have operated a filming firm in Nepal, offering filming services, including film permits and fixers to clients worldwide. Since the locations in Nepal are difficult for filming and walking in Mountains, our fixer crew will assist you in case of medical emergencies.

Urgent Rescue & Medical Emergencies support :

  • Kathmandu Films- Producer “Chandan Jha” -MOB:  +977 9851354619 
  • Internal medicine Physician “Dr Sandeep Jha” – MOB:  + 977 9851172627
  • Orthopedic trauma and Spine surgeon “Dr Jitendra Thakur” – MOB:  + 977 9851189309 
  • ER medicine “Dr Sanjay Karki”- MOB: +977 9841191796 (Helicopter Rescue)

Medical emergencies in mountains are unfortunately not uncommon especially during the climbing season when the mountain sees a high volume of climbers and trekkers. These emergencies can range from altitude sickness and frostbite to more severe conditions like high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Any short of accident and trauma makes you handicap in mountains and leads to a painful experience.

When filming on Everest, especially for documentaries or adventure films, it’s crucial to have a well-equipped medical team standby and to be prepared for any medical emergencies that may arise. This includes having trained medical personnel, adequate medical supplies and communication equipment to coordinate rescue efforts if needed.

Even minor accident or trauma may need to be treated promptly before it worsen. In any fracture, immobilization of that body part is out most important before shifting to hospital. Proper and safe analgesics and other medicines advised by doctor can make your life easy and minimize the further damage. 

Altitude sickness is a significant concern on Everest due to the extreme altitude, and it can affect anyone regardless of their level of fitness or prior climbing experience. Symptoms of altitude sickness can include headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. If left untreated, it can progress to more severe forms like HAPE or HACE.

In the event of a medical emergency in mountains, the first step is to assess the situation and provide immediate medical care if possible. This may include administering supplemental oxygen, descending to a lower altitude if necessary, or administering medications to alleviate symptoms.

If the situation requires evacuation, there are helicopter rescue services available but weather conditions and the extreme altitude can make rescue operations challenging. In some cases, climbers may need to be evacuated by helicopter to lower altitudes where they can receive proper medical care.

Overall, when filming on Everest or engaging in any adventure activity at high altitudes, it’s essential to prioritize safety and be prepared for medical emergencies. This includes having a thorough understanding of altitude-related illnesses, having a well-equipped medical kit, and having a plan in place for evacuating injured or sick individuals to lower altitudes where they can receive proper medical care.




Contact- Email:  [email protected]

Mob- +977 9851354619

If you’re looking for a line producer in Nepal, it’s essential to find someone with experience, local knowledge, and a network of reliable contacts within the country’s film industry.

Finding the Right Line Producer for Your Film Project in Nepal

Embarking on a film project in Nepal is an exciting endeavor, but navigating the intricacies of production in a foreign country can be challenging without the right support. That’s where a knowledgeable and experienced line producer comes in. A line producer serves as a vital link between your production team and the local resources and infrastructure needed to bring your vision to life. Here’s a guide to finding the right line producer for your film project in Nepal.

  1. Local Expertise

One of the most valuable qualities to look for in a line producer is local expertise. A line producer with extensive knowledge of Nepal’s geography, culture, regulations, and production infrastructure can streamline the filming process and help you avoid common pitfalls. They should be well-versed in obtaining permits, securing filming locations, hiring local crew and talent, and navigating logistical challenges unique to Nepal.

  1. Industry Experience

Experience matters when it comes to line producing, especially in a diverse and dynamic industry like film. Look for a line producer with a proven track record of successfully managing film projects in Nepal or similar locations. They should have a thorough understanding of the production process, budgeting, scheduling, and risk management, ensuring that your project stays on track and within budget.

  1. Network of Contacts

A well-connected line producer is worth their weight in gold. They should have a vast network of contacts within Nepal’s film industry, including production companies, equipment rental houses, casting agencies, and government authorities. This network can be invaluable when it comes to securing permits, negotiating deals, and accessing resources that may be otherwise difficult to obtain.

  1. Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for any successful production, and your line producer should excel in this area. They should be able to liaise effectively with both your international production team and local stakeholders, translating your vision into actionable plans and ensuring that everyone is on the same page throughout the filming process.

  1. Problem-Solving Abilities

Filmmaking often involves unexpected challenges and obstacles, and your line producer should be adept at problem-solving under pressure. Look for someone who is resourceful, adaptable, and calm under fire, capable of finding creative solutions to whatever challenges arise during production.

  1. References and Recommendations

Before hiring a line producer, be sure to ask for references and recommendations from previous clients or industry colleagues. Hearing firsthand accounts of their professionalism, reliability, and ability to deliver results can help you make an informed decision and instill confidence in your choice.

A skilled and experienced line producer can make all the difference when it comes to bringing your film project to fruition in Nepal. By choosing someone with local expertise, industry experience, a strong network of contacts, effective communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and positive references, you can ensure that your production is in capable hands from start to finish.

Embark on your filmmaking journey in Nepal with confidence, knowing that you have the right line producer by your side to guide you every step of the way.


Contact- Email:  [email protected]

Mob- +977 9851354619

Partnering with a Film Producer in Nepal: Bringing Your Vision to Life

Nepal’s rich cultural tapestry, stunning landscapes, and vibrant communities offer endless possibilities for cinematic storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned filmmaker or an aspiring director, collaborating with a local film producer in Nepal can be the key to unlocking the country’s cinematic potential and bringing your creative vision to life. Here’s everything you need to know about finding and partnering with a film producer in Nepal.

  1. Understanding the Role of a Film Producer

A film producer is the driving force behind a film project, responsible for overseeing its development, production, and distribution. In Nepal, a film producer plays a multifaceted role, from securing financing and scouting locations to hiring cast and crew and navigating logistical challenges. A skilled producer brings together the necessary resources, talent, and expertise to ensure a successful and impactful film production.

  1. Local Expertise and Connections

One of the most significant advantages of partnering with a film producer in Nepal is their local expertise and connections. A producer with deep roots in the Nepali film industry understands the nuances of the local market, regulations, and cultural sensitivities. They have a network of contacts that spans across production companies, government agencies, talent agencies, and service providers, allowing them to access the best resources and talent available.

  1. Creative Collaboration

Filmmaking is a collaborative art form, and a good producer understands the importance of creative collaboration. They work closely with directors, writers, cinematographers, and other key creative stakeholders to bring their vision to life while staying true to the project’s artistic integrity. Whether you’re filming a documentary, feature film, or commercial, a producer’s creative input and problem-solving abilities can elevate your project to new heights.

  1. Budgeting and Financing

Navigating the financial aspects of a film production can be challenging, but a skilled producer excels in budgeting and financing. They understand the importance of maximizing resources while minimizing costs and risks. Whether you’re working with a modest budget or seeking financing from investors or production companies, a producer can help you develop a realistic budget and secure the necessary funds to bring your project to fruition.

  1. Project Management and Logistics

From scouting locations and securing permits to hiring crew and coordinating schedules, a film producer in Nepal is a master of project management and logistics. They oversee every aspect of the production process, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently from pre-production to post-production. With their attention to detail and organizational skills, they can navigate the logistical challenges of filming in Nepal with ease.

  1. References and Recommendations

Before partnering with a film producer in Nepal, be sure to research their credentials and track record. Ask for references and recommendations from previous clients or industry colleagues to gauge their professionalism, reliability, and ability to deliver results. Hearing firsthand accounts of their past projects and experiences will give you confidence in your decision to collaborate with them.

Partnering with a film producer in Nepal is the first step towards realizing your cinematic vision and bringing your story to audiences around the world. By choosing someone with local expertise, creative vision, financial acumen, project management skills, and positive references, you can ensure that your film production in Nepal is a success.

Embark on your filmmaking journey with confidence, knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side to guide you through every step of the process.

Film Fixer in Nepal

Contact- Email:  [email protected]

Mob- +977 9851354619

A film fixer plays a crucial role in facilitating and coordinating all aspects of film production in a specific location. In Nepal, where filming can present unique challenges and opportunities, having a reliable and knowledgeable fixer is essential. Here’s a guide for filmmakers looking to hire a fixer in Nepal:

Navigating Nepal: Hiring a Film Fixer for Your Production

Filming in Nepal offers breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and rich storytelling potential, but it also presents logistical hurdles that can be daunting for international filmmakers. Enter the film fixer – the unsung hero who navigates the complexities of production, bridges cultural gaps, and ensures a smooth and successful shoot. If you’re planning to film in Nepal, here’s everything you need to know about hiring a film fixer to guide you through the process.

  1. Local Expertise

A film fixer’s most valuable asset is their intimate knowledge of Nepal – its geography, culture, regulations, and resources. Look for a fixer with extensive experience working in the country and a deep understanding of its diverse regions and communities. Their local expertise will prove invaluable in securing permits, scouting locations, hiring crew, and navigating the intricacies of filming in Nepal.

  1. Industry Connections

A well-connected fixer is worth their weight in gold. They should have a robust network of contacts within Nepal’s film industry, including production companies, government agencies, location scouts, and service providers. These connections can open doors, expedite processes, and ensure access to the best talent and resources available.

  1. Problem-Solving Skills

Filmmaking is notorious for its unpredictability, and Nepal presents its own set of challenges – from unpredictable weather to bureaucratic red tape. Your fixer should be a master problem-solver, capable of thinking on their feet, adapting to changing circumstances, and finding creative solutions to any obstacles that may arise during production.

  1. Multilingual Abilities

Nepal is a linguistically diverse country, with Nepali being the official language and numerous regional languages spoken across the country. A fixer who is fluent in Nepali and English – as well as any other relevant languages spoken by your crew or local contacts – can facilitate communication and ensure that nothing gets lost in translation.

  1. Cultural Sensitivity

Navigating cultural differences is essential when filming in a foreign country, and your fixer should serve as a cultural liaison between your production team and the local community. They should have a deep respect for Nepal’s traditions, customs, and protocols, and be able to navigate sensitive issues with tact and diplomacy.

  1. References and Recommendations

Before hiring a film fixer, be sure to request references and recommendations from previous clients or industry colleagues. Hearing firsthand accounts of their professionalism, reliability, and ability to deliver results will give you confidence in your decision and help you gauge whether they’re the right fit for your project.

Hiring a film fixer is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when filming in Nepal. By choosing someone with local expertise, industry connections, problem-solving skills, multilingual abilities, cultural sensitivity, and positive references, you can ensure that your production is in capable hands from start to finish.

Embark on your filmmaking journey in Nepal with confidence, knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side to guide you through every step of the process.


Contact- Email:  [email protected]

Mob- +977 9851354619

Building Your Film Crew in the Heart of the Himalayas

Nepal’s stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant communities provide a captivating backdrop for filmmakers looking to bring their creative visions to life. Whether you’re shooting a feature film, documentary, or commercial, assembling the right film crew is essential for ensuring a smooth and successful production process. Here’s a guide to building your film crew in Nepal and harnessing the talent and expertise of local professionals.

  1. Local Talent Pool

Nepal is home to a wealth of talented filmmakers, actors, technicians, and artists who are passionate about storytelling and eager to collaborate on creative projects. From experienced directors and cinematographers to skilled editors and sound designers, Nepal’s film industry offers a diverse talent pool with a range of expertise and experience levels to suit your project’s needs.

  1. Networking and Connections

Building a film crew in Nepal often begins with networking and making connections within the local film industry. Attending industry events, film festivals, and workshops can provide opportunities to meet fellow filmmakers, industry professionals, and potential crew members. Joining online forums and social media groups dedicated to Nepali filmmaking can also help expand your network and connect with talented individuals who share your passion for storytelling.

  1. Collaboration and Communication

Effective collaboration and communication are key to a successful film production, and building a cohesive team is essential for bringing your creative vision to life. When assembling your film crew in Nepal, prioritize individuals who not only possess the necessary technical skills and expertise but also demonstrate a strong work ethic, creativity, and ability to collaborate effectively as part of a team.

  1. Local Expertise and Insights

Filming in Nepal presents unique challenges and opportunities, from navigating rugged terrain and unpredictable weather to navigating cultural sensitivities and language barriers. By hiring local crew members who possess intimate knowledge of the country’s geography, culture, and customs, you can benefit from their insights and expertise to overcome challenges and maximize the potential of your production.

  1. Diversity and Inclusion

Nepal is a culturally diverse country with a rich tapestry of languages, traditions, and ethnicities. Embracing diversity and inclusion in your film crew can enrich your production and bring fresh perspectives to your storytelling. Prioritize inclusivity and representation in your hiring process, and strive to create a supportive and inclusive work environment where all team members feel valued and respected.

  1. Professionalism and Respect

Above all, professionalism and respect are paramount when working with a film crew in Nepal. Treat your crew members with kindness, respect, and appreciation for their contributions to your project. Provide clear communication, fair compensation, and opportunities for professional development, and foster a positive working environment where creativity can thrive.

Building a film crew in Nepal is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with talented professionals and bring your creative vision to life in one of the world’s most breathtakingly beautiful and culturally rich destinations. By tapping into Nepal’s diverse talent pool, fostering collaboration and communication, embracing diversity and inclusion, and prioritizing professionalism and respect, you can assemble a dynamic and creative team that will elevate your production to new heights of excellence.

 let the filmmaking adventure begin!

Google: Polarsteps (Gramafilms)

Algor Lieman is from Gramafilms, a London based creative agency, and production company. When we first signed the contract for this projects, our excitement was leaping out of bounds. We knew this was going to be one of the best filming experience for the whole team. And, we weren’t wrong.

Here’s a walkthrough of our journey of filming for this project from the start!

Sudden change in filming location

Our initial plans were to shoot the film in Kathmandu. But, the plans changed and the next morning, we were all on a bus to Pokhara. We packed everything and filmed along the way. We stopped only for lunch throughout the day. By the evening, we had reached Pokhara and checked in. Just then, it started raining.


Filming in the rain

It was still raining the next day yet we decided to film. We were filming on the road on our way to Sarangkot. The back-door of the Hiace was left open all day. Our cameraman, Tiago, was wearing a special harness to film through the open door of a moving van. The roads were narrow and difficult. After a busy day of shoot, we headed back to the hotel for a very late lunch. We then headed to Recce and decided to call it a day.


Getting to the White Peace Pagoda

Next day, we headed towards Recce near White Peace Pagoda. We stumbled upon some obstacles along the way. One of the shorter ways to our destination was under construction, so we had to take the longer way. We planned to shoot that day but the weather wasn’t in our favor. On the Recce, we faced roads of dirt and mud, but somehow we managed through it. By the evening, we had finalized the locations to shoot for the next day. We then headed back to the hotel at Sarangkot.


The actual filming day!

Finally, the filming day was here!

We woke up early and had our breakfast. It was around 5 in the morning when we left for the shoot. The road to our location was ruined by the rain last night, so, we had to leave our bigger car behind. We took the four-wheel vehicles with us and filmed through most of the way to our location.

We had a warm welcome at Pumdi Bhumdi. The filming went pretty smooth for the day. On our way back, we had a different location planned. We were filming in the middle of the jungle when it started raining again, yet we managed and finished the shoot. We still had to face some obstacles as we were going downhill. Eventually, we reached the hotel late in the evening and called it a day.


Filming in the beauty of Damauli

Our next location was much farther from Pokhara. We left early in the morning and reached the riverside of Damauli. And trust us when we say this  — everything about Damauli is beautiful. The rivers running. The beautiful highway. The cool wind. Just about, everything?

Well, we filmed all day by the river and returned to the hotel in the evening. On our way back, one of the vehicles broke down but we had contingencies planned for that. Finally, the whole team united back at the hotel by 10 in the evening. We were all enjoying everything, yet a little sad that it was coming to an end soon. Tomorrow was the last day of the shoot.


Cruel weather vs Our persistency

The weather had been cruel to us ever since we started our journey. Yet again, we couldn’t get a proper shot of the Himalayas due to the adverse weather conditions. It was one of the main reasons to shoot in Pokhara: to capture the scenic beauty of the Himalayas.  Nevertheless, we woke up early at 3 in the morning hoping that the haze would clear out. We got to the top of Sarangkot hill by 4:30. We waited for a couple of hours to get the shots we wanted. After some time, we decided to pack and finish it with whatever we had. So yeah, the shooting was finally over!

Headed back to Kathmandu then, and reached by the evening with lots of amazing experiences from the shoot.



Filming for Lion’s Club – Pieter Miller from Image Base

At Kathmandu Films, we strive to provide the best filming services in Nepal and that sets us apart. We thrive in challenges and make a way through to get the best results. Whether it is days-long shoot or managing filming permits or talking to local people, we do it all and that is why our clients entrust us for their projects.

As of such a case, we had a chance to prove ourselves on an international platform again. Pieter Miller is a producer from Image base, Chicago based video, and event agency. He traveled to Nepal to film some of the projects the local Lions Club in Nepal were participating in. This was for Lions Club International, and a thrilling experience stocked for us in the future. We made plans and the shoot lasted for 8 days in total.  

The onset of filming journey: day 1

Inspection and Introduction

All the equipment had to be checked thoroughly by the Cinematographer himself and one of the specialists from the production company. After inspection, some more equipment was required. We had it delivered in time on the same day.


Understanding our location: day 2

  1. Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies

It was May 6th, Sunday. The journey started from our hotel to BP KOIRALA LIONS CENTRE FOR OPHTHALMIC STUDIES. All the equipment were already loaded on the vehicle. We started early in the morning at 7. We reached the hospital and was welcomed by the Director Mr. Anand Sharma. He briefed the crew about the institute and after that, we went to scout the premises.

While half of the crew were out scouting, the other half were setting up the equipment for the interview. So when the scouting was over, we started the interview. There were 5 interviews in total. After the interview, we started shooting V-rolls. And that was it for the day.


Interviewing students and doctors: day 3

  1. Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies Rural Clinic

The next morning, we headed to the Insitute for the Rural clinic team. We traveled with the team to Nepal-Korea Friendship Hospital, Bhaktapur. There, we got some interviews with the patient and the doctors who were running the rural clinic. After the shoot at the hospital, we headed for the town of Bhaktapur where Lions club had established an eye care center. There were children coming for inspection and diagnosis there. We shot some V-rolls and had interviews with students and the Doctor who was conducting the treatment.


Unfortunate weather and Gurkhali spirit: day 4

Travel to Gorkha and Interview with Engineers (2 Interviews)

Our day started early in the morning at 7, with all the luggage and equipment packed and ready to go. We made our way towards Gorkha, famous as the home to the brave troops of Gurkhali soldiers. However, we stopped to get some lunch in the daytime. As soon as we reached Gorkha, we checked into a hotel a. Since it wasn’t dark already, we decided to look around for a location to shoot the interviews.

Later, we found out that the hotel we had checked in earlier was owned by one of the founding members of Lions Club in Nepal and in Gorkha.  We were supposed to travel for 2 more hours off road for the next day. But unfortunately, we decided not to travel because of the poor condition of the roads and the weather. Luckily, we found a better option to film: the school.


A sweet gesture at work: day 5

School shooting interviews and V-rolls

The next day we got up at 7 in the morning and headed towards the school for filming. The students would not be there till 9 so we had a little time. We prepared the equipment and set it in place. We started interviewing the Lions from Gorkha. After the interviews, the first school bell rang. We started filming the classes. It was the usual: the students were studying what the teacher was teaching. After the V-roll we started interviewing students. When we were wrapping up, the school prepared a nice farewell program for us. The whole school was singing songs for us while the principal was handing us a small token of love. We spent the night in Gorkha.


Traveling back to Kathmandu: day 6

Travel Back to Kathmandu

Next day, we traveled back to Kathmandu. The weather was nice. The wind was cool. We took a much-needed rest on our way back.


An inspirational story: day 7

Mobility Cart Story

We are filming in the streets of Teku for the day. It was for a Mobility Cart story. Specifically, Chatra Bahadur Gurung’s story.

He received the mobility cart from Lion Ramchandra Dahal, who is an amazing guy in himself. Gurung narrates his story of how he received the three-wheeled cart that changed his life, which was very inspiring. After the shoot, we said goodbye to Chatra Bahadur Gurung and head back to the hotel.


Done with filming for the project: day 8

Travel to Dhulikhel Lions Club Global Action Team Meeting

We started our day early in the morning, heading towards Dhulikhel where the Global action team meeting was being held. We filmed the whole event and interviewed some of the members of the Global Action team. After the shoot, we headed straight to the airport to drop our clients off.

The whole experience was mesmerizing. Working with international clients always teaches us something we never knew before. It was amazing to work with such a talented crew and to also prove our worth. Even our clients agree on that.